Leigh Sinton Community Land – S106 Project

As part of the proposed development on land off the A4103 opposite the Primary School in Leigh Sinton there are 5.5 hectares (13.6 acres) of land which can be made available for community sports and recreation facilities.  Money from previous and from proposed developments in the Parish can be made available to develop these facilities, (this is provided under Section 106 planning agreements with Malvern Hills District Council).  Land off A4103-Leigh Sinton-Illustrative Masterplan.

The community has the opportunity to create a project or projects utilising the S106 funds.  It is important that the community are involved in working up proposals for such projects.  A task and finish group has been established under the chairmanship of Peter King, Vice Chair of the Parish Council, to work-up proposals to present to the community for their consideration and input. An initial meeting has taken place, see meeting minutes.  Volunteers to join the group are welcome, please email Peter King if you are interested.

Documents relating to S106 Project Group